The Rise School of Corpus Christi proudly opened its doors in August 2007
In 2006, a Corpus Christi family welcomed a son with Down syndrome and encountered a lack of full-time preschool programs for children with developmental disabilities in their area. Dissatisfied with the limited state-funded services, the family and close friends embarked on a search for a nationally renowned program. Their quest led them to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where they found the exceptional "Rise" program, spearheaded by Martha Cook, Ed.D.
The Rise Program an Answered Prayer
The Rise program uniquely caters to the needs of children with developmental disabilities, emphasizing integration with typically developing peers. That's exactly what the family was looking for. The innovative approach at Rise has consistently exceeded expectations, driving remarkable achievements not only for children with disabilities and delays but for all children involved in the program.

Driscoll Children’s Hospital
In order to bring the Rise School model to Corpus Christi, it was crucial to establish a strong affiliation that would garner credibility and respect in the community. Fortunately, Driscoll Children’s Hospital agreed to enter into an affiliation agreement, paving the way for the realization of the Rise School in the city. We owe Driscoll Children’s Hospital a debt of gratitude and our so thankful for there support.
With Driscoll’s help and with the dedicated effort of community volunteers and the Rise Board of Directors, the Rise School of Corpus Christi proudly opened its doors in August 2007.